Cubase Magazine 38
Issue #38.iso
KARALL 1.13.3
next >
Text File
714 lines
1 eng
2 English
321 &File
322 Files &explorer...
323 &Find...
324 E&xit
325 &Player
326 &Load current song
327 &FadeOut and Load current
328 &Play
329 Pau&se
330 &Stop
331 &Info on Midi File...
332 &Database
333 &New...
334 &Open...
335 &Select songs...
336 Scan/&Import...
337 Queryes maintenance...
338 &Close
339 &Info...
340 Repair and Compact Database...
341 &Setup
342 &Options...
343 &Shortcuts Key...
344 &Multimedia panel...
345 Windows &themes panel...
346 Request code activation...
347 Code Activation...
348 &Utilities
349 Check songs for &Lyrics in DB...
350 &Register NOW !
351 Close this window to stop the sound.
352 Click to sound - Right Click to repeated sound
353 Connect to our Internet site...
354 Subscribe our mailing list...
355 Send a E-Mail for Support...
356 &About...
359 Find &next
360 &Copy to...
361 &Move to...
362 &Delete
363 &Rename...
364 &Extract from Zip
365 Cut
366 Copy
367 Paste
368 &Add to Database
369 Add to Pla&y list
371 &Refresh
372 **
373 &New folder
374 R&ename
378 **
379 Set Melody default
380 Set to Original
381 Bank select...
382 Lock Channel
383 &Piano
384 Acoustic &Grand Piano
385 Acoustic &Bright Piano
386 &Electric Grand Piano
387 &Honky-Tonk Piano
388 &Rhodes Piano
389 &Chorus Piano
390 Har&psichord
391 Cla&vinet
392 &Chromatic Perc.
393 &Celesta
394 &Glockenspiel
395 Music &Box
396 &Vibraphone
397 &Marimba
398 &Xylophone
399 &Tubular Bells
400 &Dulcimer
401 &Organ
402 &Hammond Organ
403 &Percussion Organ
404 &Rock Organ
405 &Church Organ
406 R&eed Organ
407 &Accordion
408 Har&monica
409 &Tango Accordion
410 &Guitar
411 Acoustic Guitar &Nylon
412 Acoustic Guitar &Steel
413 Electric Guitar &Jazz
414 Electric Guitar &Clean
415 Electric Guitar &Muted
416 Electric Guitar &Overdrive
417 &Distorsion Guitar
418 &Harmonics Guitar
419 &Bass
420 &Acoustic Bass
421 Electric Bass &Fingered
422 Electric Bass &Picked
423 Electric Bass Fret&less
424 Slap Bass 1
425 Slap Bass 2
426 Synth Bass 1
427 Synth Bass 2
428 &Strings
429 &Violin
430 Viol&a
431 &Cello
432 Contra &Bass
433 &Tremolo Strings
434 &Pizzicato Strings
435 &Harp Orchestral
436 Ti&mpani
437 &Ensemble
438 Strings Ensemble 1
439 Strings Ensemble 2
440 Synth Strings 1
441 Synth Strings 2
442 Choir &Aahs
443 Voice &Oohs
444 Voice &Synth
445 Orchestra &Hit
446 Br&ass
447 &Trumpet
448 Trom&bone
449 T&uba
450 &Muted Trumpet
451 &French Horn
452 &Section Brass
453 Synth Brass &1
454 Synth Brass &2
455 &Reed
456 &Soprano Sax
457 &Alto sax
458 &Tenor Sax
459 &Baritone Sax
460 &Oboe
461 &English Horn
462 Bassoon
463 &Clarinet
464 &Pipe
465 &Piccolo
466 &Flute
467 &Recorder
468 Pan Fl&ute
469 &Bottle Blow
470 &Shakuhachi
471 &Whistle
472 &Ocarina
473 Synth &Lead
474 Square &Wave
475 &Saw Tooth
476 &Calliope
477 Chi&ffer
478 Charan&g
479 &Voice Solo
480 Fif&ths Saw Wave
481 &Bass Lead
482 Synth Pa&d
483 New Age &Fantasia
484 &Warm
485 &Poli Synth
486 &Space Voine
487 &Bowed Glass
488 &Metallic
489 &Halo
490 S&weep
491 Synth E&ffects
492 &Ice Rain
493 &Sound Track
494 &Crystal
495 &Atmosphere
496 &Brightness
497 &Goblin
498 &Echo Drops
499 Star &Theme
500 E&thnic
501 &Sitar
502 &Banjo
503 Sha&misen
504 &Koto
505 Kalim&ba
506 &Bag Pipe
507 &Fiddle
508 Sha&nai
509 &Percussions
510 Tinkle &Bell
511 &Agogo
512 &Steel Drums
513 &Wood Block
514 &Taiko Drum
515 &Melodic Tom
516 &Synth Drum
517 &Reverse Cymbal
518 Sound Effe&cts
519 Guitar &Fret Noise
520 &Breath Noise
521 &Seashore
522 &Bird Tweet
523 &Telephone Ring
524 &Helicopter
525 &Applause
526 &Gun Shot
527 Drum
531 &Standard
532 Standard Kit &2
533 &Room
534 &Power
535 &Electron
536 &TR-808
537 &Dance
538 &Jazz
539 &Brush
540 &Orchestra
541 &Ethnic
542 &Kick Snare
543 &SFX
544 &Rythm FX
545 &CM 64/32
546 Version
547 **
548 Advanced
549 You don't need 'Activation Code'
550 You can activate PRO-ADVANCED version. Don't need 'request code'.
551 To activate go to on 'Code activation' menu.
552 You don't need 'request code' !!
555 Meta Lyr =
556 Characters
557 W.Box Lyr =
558 lines
559 No lyrics!
560 Format:
561 Number of Tracks:
563 Error on File system !
564 Max 3 songs on Play-List in Junior version!
565 Song already in Play-List on position
566 Confirm selection ?
567 KarAll already loaded !
568 Midi Library Error !
569 Key not found ! Demo version running.
570 You need Activation code ! (Error:
571 Demo version running.
572 **
573 Click to Reduce window
574 D.Standard
575 **
576 Volume (Default)
577 OFF Patch bank transmit
578 Midi device Reset
579 Reset on Song start
580 Reset delay time (ms)
581 SysEx Out
582 WordBox ON
583 ON
584 Melody
585 Auto-load / Lock default Program
586 Melody && Vocalist
587 Default Program
588 Default Channel (Norm.
589 Midi device type
590 Reset Now !
591 No standard
592 Skip redundant final data
593 Expand Volume/Intensity
594 Coloured bar on Channels
595 External MCI Player
596 Output Device
597 'Solo' Out Chan level (0/64)
598 Key change (Flat/Sharp)
599 Tempo Rate change
600 Multimedia Files Association
601 UN-Register Multimedia files to KarAll
602 Register Multimedia files to KarAll
603 Multimedia Control Panel
604 Song Load
605 **
606 Player CPU technic
607 Set process to Real Time (Default OFF)
608 Are you shure ?
609 Done !
610 Timer accuracy (Default=5)
611 Player-Display connection type
612 CallBack dependent
613 Timers dependent (Default)
614 Vertical scrolling
615 Filter when more Lyrics
616 Default used Lyrics
617 W-Box
618 Meta
619 Both
620 Lyrics display type
621 Display Continued-line code
622 Warning! Use with care.
623 Lock to "Entire line"
625 Meta event auto-syllables
627 WordBox auto-syllables
629 Lyrics text re-format
630 AUTO Line-Break !
631 Line-break (ms)
632 None
633 Karaoke display
634 Picture
635 Centered text in window
636 Vertical
637 Horizontal
638 Played Color
639 Foreground Color
640 Color
641 Background
642 On alternate video
643 Full screen
644 Music
645 Display Markers
646 Only in Full screen
647 Always
648 Never
649 Italian Notation
650 Turbo Start
651 Fade Out time (Sec. 2-10)
652 Scan time (Sec. 5-45)
653 Apply
654 Cancel
655 OK
656 Player
658 Player parameters
659 Midi Output
660 MidiOut
661 Midi output parameters
662 Karaoke
664 Karaoke parameters
665 Advanced parameters
666 Choose Background Picture...
667 Choose
668 Done!
669 Are you sure ??
670 Error during Registry update !!
671 Unknown
672 Karaoke Background color cannot be the same of Foreground color !
673 Language
674 To activate new language please restart the program.
675 **
676 Loop
677 Index
678 FadeOut
679 Next song
680 Scan
681 Scan songs
682 Random
683 Random next song
684 All
685 Auto Next-song
686 **
689 Error:
690 Close application that uses Midi Output device or Update your Multimedia Midi Control Panel !
691 -Tk:
692 =Lyr(
694 =LineLyr
695 -Lyr
696 -WBLyr:
697 Track
698 **
699 **
700 **
703 --- MARKERS ---
704 Error on OPEN Midi-Out device !!
705 Program now try to use Midi Mapper.
706 Error on OPEN Midi-Mapper device !!
709 Next Melody
711 Play:
713 >Pubblic or Commercial use is PROHIBITED!
714 Media file not found !! (Error
715 Midi file in use by another program ! (Error
716 Error on Midi file ! (Error
717 Midi file corrupted ! (Error
718 **
721 Next Lyric
722 Midi file corrupted !
723 -NTrks:
724 **
728 **
734 Dbl-Click to maximize
736 Solo
737 Mute
738 Acoustic Grand Piano
739 P C R
800 Vocalist
801 Keyboard - Chords Finder
803 Panic!!
804 Tempo
805 Key
806 Pan/Bal
813 Vol
814 Pan/Balance
815 Chorus
816 Reverb
817 **
819 Un-Lock channel
821 Set to original (
827 Midi Info
828 Dbl-Click to copy all text on Clipboard
829 Lyric
830 Chords
831 Midi File info
832 ----------- WORDBOX FORMAT ------------
833 Import in DataBase
834 Select All
835 Deselect All
836 Not imported:
837 Imported:
840 Include Sub-F